This form serves as an official request for chapter contact information.
All uses of information provided should follow the Phi Gamma Delta Data Use Policy.
The information about Phi Gamma Delta members that is being provided to you may be used only for communicating with brothers regarding fraternity news, events, and other similar purposes. This data may not be used for business, solicitation, political or other non-fraternity purpose. Because this information is private, it may not be displayed in any public venues, including open internet web page listings. Communication with graduate brothers (group emailing, phone calls, postal mailings, etc.) should be professional and fraternal in nature.
The information provided AND any updates, additions, or changes to it that you may make are the property of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, Inc. You are responsible for reporting any changes back to IHQ in proper format, including each member’s ID. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should this data be submitted back to IHQ except the changes.
This data should not be reproduced. It should be stored only in a secure location and safeguarded from loss, theft, compromise, or improper use. You must honor any privacy requests noted in these records, such as “Do Not Solicit” or “Requests No Email,” as well as any laws or regulations that may apply to you such as Do not call registries and CAN-SPAM.
If you have any questions regarding the use of this data, please contact the Headquarters at 859-255-1848 or at Thank you for respecting the privacy of your brothers by adhering to this policy.
Pig Dinner Event Management
Register Your Event
Request Chapter Contact List
Request Silver & Gold Owls List
Pig Dinner Attendance Reporting