Rising Hope, Directed by Theo Avgerinos

Rising Hope: A Documentary By Theo Avgerinos (Bucknell 2000)

January 29, 2025 | Graduate News, Undergraduate News

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On January 21, over 250 Bucknell students, including 90 Delta Chapter brothers, attended a special showing of “Rising Hope,” a documentary directed by Theodore “Theo” Avgerinos (2000).

Six years in the making, “Rising Hope” is a collaboration among distinguished talents: Academy Award-winning documentary producer Lynn Appelle, Emmy Award-winning composer Alex Wurman and festival award-winning director Theo Avgerinos. “Rising Hope” premiered to critical acclaim at the 2024 Oxford Film Festival in Mississippi, where it earned Best Mississippi Film and the Audience Award. Later, the documentary earned Best Documentary at the LightReel Film Festival, in Washington, DC, and Best Documentary and Best Director at the Golden Gate International Film Festival, in San Francisco. Most recently, the documentary was recognized with the Outstanding Excellence Award at the Documentaries Without Borders International Film Festival.

Learn More and Watch the Trailer

After the January 21 showing, several undergraduates brothers gave positive reviews:
  • “The film opened my own eyes to a different side of America and the stories of people living in a region where so many of the cards are stacked against them. It made me reflect on how fortunate I am to have resources and a strong support system in place. With that being said, there’s a human element to the film that is truly inspiring, such as Rod’s journey to become a travel photographer and even going to college, something that his mother wasn’t able to do. The film is worth seeing as it not only sheds light on the history of racism and generational inequalities but also gives a personal perspective on the strength, joy, hopes, and dreams of people who are there.” – Jackson Kizilbash (2025), Chapter President
  • “The film sheds light on the incredibly impoverished Mississippi Delta region and its residents, largely African American, who have been subjected to extreme economic impoverishment due to the ramifications of Jim Crow laws and other immoral practices of the past. While this was incredibly sad, the film also highlighted some people who are making changes in their communities for the better and hoping to lift themselves and those around them. Overall, this was an incredibly insightful experience, and I found it very interesting to learn about this community and the change that is taking place within it.” – Theodore Seitz (2027)
  • “Rising Hope, directed by Theo Avgerinos, sheds light on how neglected the residents and communities surrounding the Mississippi Delta are. While it did not provide much statistical data, it did a great job utilizing the vibrant testimonies of the area’s residents. Hearing the locals’ stories helped me better understand how the area faced extreme economic downfall over the years. It highlights the issues with the area, the power of those in the community, and their efforts. Even though the area is declining, the residents stay hopeful and strive for change.” – Chris Bujdud (2027)
  • “Rising Hope directed by one of our graduate brothers, made me prouder than ever to be a Fiji. The stars’ efforts to thrive in the society they were put into is truly inspiring. The film made a mark on me and everyone else in that theater.” – Brad Trager (2026), Chapter Treasurer
  • “The movie was a great experience! It was a truly incredible documentary that resulted in many conversations that I would never have expected to have. Theo is really good at what he does.” – Lars Kikoski (2025)
Knox Chapter - Fundraiser for Chad

The Knox Chapter Raises Money for a Brother’s Family Member Diagnosed with Leukemia

December 3, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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Gamma Deuteron at Knox held a philanthropy event to supporting a member’s biological brother, Chad, who was recently diagnosed with Acute T Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Currently, the Chapter raised over $5,000 for Chad, and they will continue to raise money at givebutter.com/helpchad.

Indiana & Purdue Chapters Host Run the Ball Fundraiser to Combat Homelessness & Poverty

November 13, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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On November 29, the Zeta Chapter at Indiana University (IU) and Lambda Iota Chapter at Purdue University (PU) held their inaugural Run the Ball (RtB) fundraiser. RtB, a student-run initiative, was created to raise $50,000 for Wheeler Mission (WM) and $50,000 for Lafayette Urban Ministries (LUM) , as well as increase awareness for homelessness and poverty in the chapters’ local communities.

The event began with the charity run at 5:00 am, where brothers from each chapter ran the game football from Lafayette to Bloomington, Indiana in conjunction with the IU vs. PU Old Oaken Bucket Game. During the football game, Indiana and Purdue brothers present their final donations to WM and LUM, respectively, during a special presentation.

For more information about the fundraiser, visit https://runtheball.net/.

California Davis - Adopt A Block

California Davis Undergraduates Adopt A Block

April 16, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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This academic year, Delta Chi at California Davis continued their Adopt A Block community service tradition, where brothers meet on 3rd Street to clean and pick up trash every Saturday.

The Minnesota Chapter Is Helping Fight Food Insecurity on Campus

March 29, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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The Mu Sigma Chapter partnered with The Graduate Minneapolis and Boynton Health to fight food insecurity at the University of Minnesota (UM) by supporting Boynton Health’s Nutritious U Food Pantry. One in five UM students face food insecurity, which is why the Nutritious U initiative was dedicated to provide meal vouchers to students in need, who engage with their on-campus food pantry services.

For more information on the Nutrition U campaign and mission, click here.

Alberta - curling Work & Play Menu Experience

Alberta Chapter Hosts Curling Work & Play Menu Experience

March 4, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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This semester, Epsilon Alpha held a curling competition on the University of Alberta’s curling rink for their Work & Play Menu Experience, part of the Fraternity’s Built to Lead programming. The curling activity taught brothers that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so by working together as a team, they can create the best opportunity for overall success. Clinton Nash (2023) and Zack Jansen (2023) led the activity and taught the brothers how to play, because some brothers had never curled before.

Arizona Brotherhood Basketball Tournament 1-2024

Upsilon Alpha at Arizona Hosts Brother Basketball Tournament

January 3, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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Upsilon Alpha at Arizona brothers hosted a brotherhood event at the Footprint Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The Chapter rented the basketball court a few hours before the Phoenix Suns vs. Denver Nuggets game, and held a brother basketball tournament.

Rho Phi at Rose-Hulman Wins Make a Difference Award for Their Service Work

December 18, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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In December, Rho Phi at Rose-Hulman brothers volunteered at Happiness Bag (HB) by serving a traditional Christmas dinner and providing gifts from Santa Clause. HB is a recreational and educational facility designed for individuals with disabilities. The Chapter was presented with the Make a Difference Award from WTHI-TV for hosting this event for over 30 years.

Read more here.

Olivier Tuyisshime (Wabash 2025) Receives Gilman Scholarship to Study Abroad

December 18, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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Olivier Tuyisshime (2025) was one of three Wabash students who earned the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study abroad. Olivier, a native of Rwanda, is a political science major and Black Studies minor, in the Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies.

The Gilman Scholarship, supported by the U.S. Congress, is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and is aided in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). The purpose of the Gilman International Scholarship program is to encourage participation in study abroad programs for under-represented students, particularly those who are studying in under-represented areas of the world and/or under-represented languages.

Read more here.

Ohio Wesleyan Brothers Study Abroad in Spain - fall 2023

Three Ohio Wesleyan Brothers Study Abroad in Spain

December 13, 2023 | Undergraduate News

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Ohio Wesleyan brothers Kevin Fratz (2025), Kevin Zhou (2025) and Cooper Meek (2025) traveled to Spain to study abroad for the fall 2023 semester.

Gettysburg Kindness Week 11/2023

Gettysburg Brothers Spread Kindness During Kindness Week

November 20, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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Last week, Gettysburg College celebrated Kindness Week on campus. The Xi Provisional Chapter participated by mailing turkeys the South Central Community Action Programs. Brothers also partnered with the Alpha Phi Omega Sorority by making a Kindness Week drawing with suggestions how to be kind on the sidewalk outside the College Union Building (pictured).

Read more about the story here.

Kentucky Cheerleading Competition Philanthropy 11-2023

Kentucky Brothers Participate in Philanthropic Cheerleading Competition

November 14, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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The Upsilon Kappa Chapter partnered with the Delta Gamma Sorority for the University of Kentucky’s annual Bring It On! (BIO) cheerleading competition philanthropy. BIO is the University’s largest fall Greek philanthropy event which benefits The Nest – Center for Women, Children & Families and the Make a Wish Foundation. The Chapter’s team won best performance while helping raise over $70,000.