Welcome to The Leadership Institute!
The Leadership Institute’s purpose is to empower brothers to work on real issues in their chapter and life, by teaching them leadership skills and how to define their own personal leadership style and values.
Three Key Objectives of the Institute
1. Foster Leadership Development:
Provide brothers with the platform and resources to enhance their leadership skills.
2. Cultivate Personal & Chapter Values:
Facilitate an environment where individuals can reflect on their personal values and those of their chapters, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to these principles.
3. Promote Alignment with Phi Gamma Delta’s Mission:
Encourage brothers to challenge the status quo and ensure their actions align with the Fraternity’s mission and values, as reflected in its Ritual.
Event Details
We look forward to you attending the Institute, where you will learn a variety of valuable skills. Each day, you will spend time in large and small groups, giving you the opportunity to learn with facilitators and brothers from other chapters.
Click the interactive feature below to learn more about the Institute.
We provided an outline of the schedule below (note: the schedule may be adjusted as needed).
Day 1: June 26 (Session 1) or July 24 (Session 2)
Day 1
June 26 (Session 1) / July 24 (Session 2)
3:00 pm – 8:30 pm: Team Building; Phi Gamma Delta 101
Day 2: June 27 (Session 1) or July 25 (Session 2)
Day 2
June 27 (Session 1) / July 25 (Session 2)
9:00 am – 8:30 pm: Leadership; Values; Exploring Your Chapter with the Membership Experience Survey; Ritual
Breaks throughout the day to allow you to connect with brothers.
Day 3: June 28 (Session 1) or July 26 (Session 2)
Day 3
June 28 (Session 1) / July 26 (Session 2)
9:00 am – 6:30 pm: Values Congruence; Problem Identification; Working with Others; Creating Change; Action Planning
Required Evening Social Activity being planned by TLI Interns.
Day 4: June 29 (Session 1) or July 27 (Session 2)
Day 4
June 29 (Session 1) / July 27 (Session 2)
10:00 am – 12:00 pm: IHQ Tour; Closing & Goodbyes
If you are flying, Phi Gamma Delta will book and coordinate your flight to and from The Leadership Institute. We will also coordinate travel to and from the airport and Transylvania University when you arrive and depart on Sunday. There will be IHQ staff at the airport to welcome you and direct you to the transportation provided.
If you are driving to The Leadership Institute, we encourage you to carpool with nearby brothers who are also attending. Individuals who drive to Lexington will be given a form, which must be completed to receive reimbursement for their travel.
If you are driving, you MUST arrive between 12:00-2:00 pm on Day 1.
Driving Address: 424 W. Fourth Street, Lexington, KY 40508
Additional Details
Participants will stay in Transylvania University residence halls that are vacant during the summer. Please keep in mind these accommodations provide furniture (twin bed, small dresser, nightstand, desk and a shared closet) and a private bathroom shared with one roommate assigned from your Leadership Institute small group. However, nothing else is provided.
This means you also need to pack anything you would want/need for comfort (e.g., hand/bath towels, bathmat for exiting the shower, clothing hangers, etc.).
- Casual clothes
- Towel, washcloth and shower shoes
- Bedding (twin bed) and pillow
- Water bottle (you will change meeting room spaces throughout the day at the Institute so a water bottle is important to ensure you have regular access to water)
- Toiletries: Shampoo/conditioner, body wash, hand soap, deodorant, lotion, toothbrush/toothpaste, hair products, razor/shaving cream
- Medications
- Phone charger
- T-shirts for a Phi Gam T-shirt exchange
Click here to view the map.
Participant Agreement
Please review the following list to understand the participant and facilitator expectations for The Leadership Institute. Download the agreement below and read further details about expectations.
- Attend all sessions on time, and bring appropriate materials (pen, workbook, name tag).
- No alcohol or drugs during The Leadership Institute
- Note for Drivers: No driving cars during The Leadership Institute
Make sure to review the Learning & Expectation Agreement. You will sign a copy of this agreement onsite.
Violation of these expectations may result in the chapter being billed and the participant(s) being sent home early.