The Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada will create an enduring financial endowment that supports the educational aspirations of undergraduate and graduate students in Canada while encouraging dedication to the values, principles and ideals of Phi Gamma Delta throughout Canada.
In concert with local efforts, the Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada will foster the development of courageous leaders who are dedicated to the principles of lifelong service, exemplary citizenship and the upward march of humanity.
The Foundation will facilitate communication between brothers as they support one another in the arts of life and recognize those who best exemplify the core values of Phi Gamma Delta throughout college days and beyond.
Give Now
Gifts to the Foundation of Canada are tax-deductible and my be given online or by mailing a check or credit card number to: Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada, Treasurer Stephen Firth, 804-2185 Marine Dr, Oakville, ON L6L 5L6.
Note: You may restrict 80% of your gift to your chapter to be used for housing, scholarships and other educational programming, while 20% of your restricted gift will be used for Foundation programs and services that benefit all chapters.
Board of Directors
- President: Tristan L. Patterson (Alberta 2010)
- Vice President: D. Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987)
- Treasurer: Stephen G. Firth (Western Ontario 1973)
- Secretary: Murray L. Coulter (Western Ontario 1972)
- Directors: Erez Bahar (British Columbia 2001), John B. Carswell (Alberta 1976), F. Norman Dundas (McGill 1963), Donald J. Herman (Calgary 1985), Ashley A. O’Kurley (Alberta 1994), John G. Starzynski (Western Ontario 1974) & Robert J. P. Witchel (Toronto 1987)
- Trustee Emeritus: L. Cameron Murray (Alberta 1972)
Additional administrative offices are also located at the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation in Lexington, Kentucky. If you have questions, email Executive Director Ben Robinson or call him at 859-255-1848.

Since 1992, the Foundation has awarded over $850,000 for worthy causes such as scholarships for undergraduates, fellowships for graduate students, grants to house corporations for chapter house renovations, grants for leadership studies and education, and alcohol education.
The scholarship and fellowship applications links are below. You will be directed to the SmarterSelect website. To apply please click on the appropriate link and review the criteria for the scholarship.
Undergraduate Scholarship Application Graduate Fellowship Application