The Fraternity requires all Purple Legionnaires (PL) to verify the chapter they advise is in compliance with Section 19.30 and 19.40 of the Fraternity’s Bylaws. Those sections state:
Section 19.30 – Initiation: All prospective members must be initiated within four (4) days after accepting the formal invitation to join, or if such acceptance occurs prior to the beginning of an academic term, then within four (4) days after the beginning of the next academic term. However, upon the petition of a chapter, the Archons may allow the chapter an extended period to conduct the initiation ceremony.
Pledging, associate members, or any similar programs or statuses shall not be permitted.
Section 19.40 – Attendance By Graduates at Initiation Ceremony: At each initiation ceremony, the undergraduate chapter’s Purple Legionnaire or a member of the Board of Chapter Advisers shall be in attendance. If none can attend, the Purple Legionnaire shall select a graduate brother to attend the ceremony.