Graduate relations is one of the ideals that has become a part of Phi Gamma Delta’s identity. The practice of engaging local graduates and graduates from your chapter creates an opportunity to live our motto, “Not for College Days Alone!” Graduate brother engagement is most commonly seen through the annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner. However, there are several other ways to engage the brothers around you.

Communications & Outreach
Finding ways to communicate with local and chapter graduates is important for keeping them engaged. There are several ways to communicate with graduate brothers: email, mail, newsletters, social media, website, etc. Click on the following links to review our Social Media & Website Guide and our Graduate Newsletter Guide.

Other Graduate Events
Strong graduate relations stem from opportunities for graduate brothers to interact with current brothers of the chapter. There is no limit when it comes to how many graduate events should be hosted by a Chapter. View the Event Ideas & Tips Guide to see different examples of chapter engagement with graduate brothers.

Pig Dinners
The Frank Norris Pig Dinner’s rich history and strong tradition have helped make it one of the longest-running events in the Greek world. Early planning and communications are keys to a successful Pig Dinner. To get the most out of your event, view resources on the Pig Dinner page or utilize the Pig Dinner Planning Guide.

Purposeful Engagement
What’s the purpose of engaging with graduate brothers if it’s not meaningful? You can elevate the level of graduate engagement by building connections and empowering brothers to be the support you need. Learn more about improving graduate advisor support and engagement in our Volunteer Engagement Guide and maintaining healthy advisor relationships in our Building Relationships with Key Advisors Guide.