Volunteer Spotlight: Dave Willmer (Akron 1992)
December 9, 2024 | Volunteer Spotlight
Dave Willmer (Akron 1992)
Dave Willmer has been an active volunteer for the Fraternity for over 25 years. He has served twice as Section Leader in central Ohio for Ohio, Ohio State and Ohio Wesleyan chapters, and has also served his Alpha Omicron Chapter on the Board of Chapter Advisors and House Corporation. One of his main goals as Section Leader is to help re-establish the Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg University and help his chapters reach a GPA above the all-men’s average on their respective campus. Dave was presented with the Fraternity’s Haynes Award in 2024 as its most outstanding Section Leader.

The Knox Chapter Raises Money for a Brother’s Family Member Diagnosed with Leukemia
December 3, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
Gamma Deuteron at Knox held a philanthropy event to supporting a member’s biological brother, Chad, who was recently diagnosed with Acute T Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Currently, the Chapter raised over $5,000 for Chad, and they will continue to raise money at givebutter.com/helpchad.