Krisjanis Ule (Quinnipiac 2020) Is Running for a Cause
August 23, 2024 | Graduate News, Not for College Days Alone
This November, Krisjanis Ule (Quinnipiac 2020) will be running the New York City Marathon to benefit the Release Recovery Foundation (RRF).
One out of four people in the United States suffer from substance use disorder and/or mental illness, and 90% of those suffering are not able to access treatment due to financial barriers. RRF, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is dedicated to ensuring all who are ready and willing to seek professional treatment are able. RRF provides scholarships that unlock access to treatment at NAATP-vetted facilities across the country for individuals demonstrating financial need. The average scholarship granted for a single person’s recovery journey is $7,500.
Krisjanis has set a fundraising goal of at least $15,000 to support RRF, meaning by running the marathon, he would be able to provide two people with the life-saving care they would not otherwise be able to afford.
Click here to learn more about Krisjanis’ marathon journey.

Jason Isbell (Memphis 2001) Wins Two Grammy Awards
February 5, 2024 | Graduate News, Not for College Days Alone
Jason Isbell (Memphis 2001), of Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit, won two Grammy Awards for Best Americana Album, Weathervanes, and Best American Roots Song, Cast Iron Skillet.

Buddy Cote (Maine 1981) Receives the NIC’s Gold Medal Award
June 23, 2023 | Graduate News, Not for College Days Alone
Eugene D. “Buddy” Cote (Maine 1981) received the NIC’s Gold Medal, which is the highest honor the Conference can bestow and recognizes lifelong service to the interfraternal community and/or the NIC.
Buddy spent four years working on the Fraternity’s staff – as a Field Secretary and then Director of Chapter Services. Since then, he built a career in the fraternal jewelry market, turning customers into friends and friends into customers. Buddy has been a visionary and consequential leader for Phi Gamma Delta, including as a board member and Archon President. He continually promotes the importance of interfraternity cooperation, through the NIC and Interfraternity Councils, the importance of strengthening the Greek movement and each fraternity. Within the NIC, Buddy served on the board of directors and as chairman from 2014-15 when the NIC moved from a volunteer-driven board to the current Governing Council. After the move to the new governance system, Buddy served until 2022 as Phi Gamma Delta’s representative on the Governing Council.