Announcing the Archons for the 2024-26 Biennium
August 10, 2024 | Fraternity News
2024-26 Archonate
During the 176th Ekklesia, in Chicago, Illinois, the following brothers were elected Archon for the 2024-26 biennium:
- Archon President: Tim Kilduff (Kent State 1968)
- Archon Vice President: Matt Amend (Iowa 1987)
- Archon Treasurer: Kevin Haga (Jacksonville 1992)
- Archon Secretary: Robert Siedell (Mississippi State 1974)
- Archon Councilor: Nolan Balocco (Arizona State 2026), Michael Bass (Louisiana State 1982), Aaron Greve (Rose-Hulman 2025), James Neilson (Akron 1991) and Jon Yates (Texas A&M 1991)
To learn more about the Archons, read their bios here.
^ Pictured (L-R): Nolan Balocco, Aaron Greve , Matt Amend, Tim Kilduff, Michael Bass, Kevin Haga, Jon Yates, Robert Siedell and James Neilson.

California Davis Undergraduates Adopt A Block
April 16, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
This academic year, Delta Chi at California Davis continued their Adopt A Block community service tradition, where brothers meet on 3rd Street to clean and pick up trash every Saturday.

The Minnesota Chapter Is Helping Fight Food Insecurity on Campus
March 29, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
The Mu Sigma Chapter partnered with The Graduate Minneapolis and Boynton Health to fight food insecurity at the University of Minnesota (UM) by supporting Boynton Health’s Nutritious U Food Pantry. One in five UM students face food insecurity, which is why the Nutritious U initiative was dedicated to provide meal vouchers to students in need, who engage with their on-campus food pantry services.
For more information on the Nutrition U campaign and mission, click here.

Alberta Chapter Hosts Curling Work & Play Menu Experience
March 4, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
This semester, Epsilon Alpha held a curling competition on the University of Alberta’s curling rink for their Work & Play Menu Experience, part of the Fraternity’s Built to Lead programming. The curling activity taught brothers that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so by working together as a team, they can create the best opportunity for overall success. Clinton Nash (2023) and Zack Jansen (2023) led the activity and taught the brothers how to play, because some brothers had never curled before.

Jason Isbell (Memphis 2001) Wins Two Grammy Awards
February 5, 2024 | Graduate News, Not for College Days Alone
Jason Isbell (Memphis 2001), of Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit, won two Grammy Awards for Best Americana Album, Weathervanes, and Best American Roots Song, Cast Iron Skillet.

Upsilon Alpha at Arizona Hosts Brother Basketball Tournament
January 3, 2024 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
Upsilon Alpha at Arizona brothers hosted a brotherhood event at the Footprint Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The Chapter rented the basketball court a few hours before the Phoenix Suns vs. Denver Nuggets game, and held a brother basketball tournament.

Rho Phi at Rose-Hulman Wins Make a Difference Award for Their Service Work
December 18, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
In December, Rho Phi at Rose-Hulman brothers volunteered at Happiness Bag (HB) by serving a traditional Christmas dinner and providing gifts from Santa Clause. HB is a recreational and educational facility designed for individuals with disabilities. The Chapter was presented with the Make a Difference Award from WTHI-TV for hosting this event for over 30 years.

Olivier Tuyisshime (Wabash 2025) Receives Gilman Scholarship to Study Abroad
December 18, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
Olivier Tuyisshime (2025) was one of three Wabash students who earned the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study abroad. Olivier, a native of Rwanda, is a political science major and Black Studies minor, in the Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies.
The Gilman Scholarship, supported by the U.S. Congress, is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and is aided in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). The purpose of the Gilman International Scholarship program is to encourage participation in study abroad programs for under-represented students, particularly those who are studying in under-represented areas of the world and/or under-represented languages.

Three Ohio Wesleyan Brothers Study Abroad in Spain
December 13, 2023 | Undergraduate News
Ohio Wesleyan brothers Kevin Fratz (2025), Kevin Zhou (2025) and Cooper Meek (2025) traveled to Spain to study abroad for the fall 2023 semester.

Gettysburg Brothers Spread Kindness During Kindness Week
November 20, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
Last week, Gettysburg College celebrated Kindness Week on campus. The Xi Provisional Chapter participated by mailing turkeys the South Central Community Action Programs. Brothers also partnered with the Alpha Phi Omega Sorority by making a Kindness Week drawing with suggestions how to be kind on the sidewalk outside the College Union Building (pictured).

Kentucky Brothers Participate in Philanthropic Cheerleading Competition
November 14, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News
The Upsilon Kappa Chapter partnered with the Delta Gamma Sorority for the University of Kentucky’s annual Bring It On! (BIO) cheerleading competition philanthropy. BIO is the University’s largest fall Greek philanthropy event which benefits The Nest – Center for Women, Children & Families and the Make a Wish Foundation. The Chapter’s team won best performance while helping raise over $70,000.

The Bucknell Chapter Honors Ed Robinson With Basketball Court
October 10, 2023 | Graduate News, On Campus, Undergraduate News
The Delta Chapter at Bucknell recently built and named a half basketball court behind the chapter house in honor of Purple Legionnaire Ed Robinson (1986) for winning the 2022 Durrance Award as the Fraternity’s most outstanding Purple Legionnaire. The court will be used for undergraduate pick up games and the 3×3 basketball tournament, which is held annually each spring.