Phi Gamma Delta’s Annual Award Winners (2022 Calendar Year)

October 6, 2023 | Fraternity News

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Each year, Phi Gamma Delta recognizes undergraduate chapters, graduate chapters and individuals through its Annual Awards program. View the list of Annual Award winners for the 2022 calendar year here.

Northern Arizona Supports RAINN Through Diamond Girl Philanthropy

October 2, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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Nu Alpha at Northern Arizona raised over $6,200 for RAINN through their Annual Diamond Girl philanthropy, on September 27-29. Seven sororities participated in this three-day event, which included a volleyball tournament, an Instagram competition, cash wars, a karaoke talent show and more. Additionally, the event winner was the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.

The Texas Christian Chapter Volunteer to Clean Up Lake

August 31, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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Brothers from the Tau Chi Chapter at Texas Christian volunteered at Marine Creek Lake, located about 15 miles from campus, by picking up trash and removing debris.

Buddy Cote (Maine 1981) Receives the NIC’s Gold Medal Award

June 23, 2023 | Graduate News, Not for College Days Alone

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Eugene D. “Buddy” Cote (Maine 1981) received the NIC’s Gold Medal, which is the highest honor the Conference can bestow and recognizes lifelong service to the interfraternal community and/or the NIC.

Buddy spent four years working on the Fraternity’s staff – as a Field Secretary and then Director of Chapter Services. Since then, he built a career in the fraternal jewelry market, turning customers into friends and friends into customers. Buddy has been a visionary and consequential leader for Phi Gamma Delta, including as a board member and Archon President. He continually promotes the importance of interfraternity cooperation, through the NIC and Interfraternity Councils, the importance of strengthening the Greek movement and each fraternity. Within the NIC, Buddy served on the board of directors and as chairman from 2014-15 when the NIC moved from a volunteer-driven board to the current Governing Council. After the move to the new governance system, Buddy served until 2022 as Phi Gamma Delta’s representative on the Governing Council.

John Shoemaker (Clemson 2024) Receives NIC Award of Distinction

June 23, 2023 | On Campus, Undergraduate News

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John Shoemaker (Clemson 2024) was named as one of the NIC’s (North American Interfraternity Conference) 2023 Undergraduate Award of Distinction honorees. This award recognizes fraternity men who, throughout in their collegiate experience, have found an outlet for development as both a leader and a better man. They are exemplary members of their organizations and serve their brothers, campuses and Greek communities with humble confidence. John was selected for this award because he was heavily involved in his chapter’s leadership as soon as he joined in spring 2021. By fall 2021, he was elected Chapter President, leading the Chi Alpha Chapter through a successful series of recruitments, philanthropy events and more. John also modeled the values of what a true fraternity member is about, which led to unanimous support for his candidacy as IFC President. Not only does John support each fraternal organization, but he also supports all members in the Greek community. John is a constant reflection of fraternity done right and demonstrates strength of character within the IFC at Clemson.